Energy & Environment

Synthetic stones as electrical energy storage

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Our Project

In the last decade, with the global energy scarcity and increasing pollution level, new sources of energy storage systems have been developed. 

For extra generated energy, there is a need for an efficient, reliable, and low-cost storage system. To reduce the cost and manage the energy demand, the world’s interest has turned towards the alternate sources of energy, i.e., renewable energy. 

Awaiting world patent

Sasit’ Innovation

Energy storage in materials such as concrete, cement and soil is a significant research, but making batteries with artificial stone for the facade of the building is technical feature novel and inventive. 

The stone formulation is completely new. These batteries utilize the pore solution in cement  and geopolymer as it functions as an electrolyte and can store energy. 

These batteries may be used to provide emergency power. This technology could allow for whole sections of multi-story buildings made of functional concrete. Considering that any concrete surface could have a layer of this electrode embedded, it can save about enormous volumes of functional concrete.


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